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What it Takes to Be a Zipline Guide for AVA

Zipline Guides in Colorado

A nice summer day in the Colorado Rockies cannot be beat. And for some, sitting in an office from 9 to 5 on a beautiful day is just not an option. Many people have found ways to take advantage of this glorious weather and work outside. One group of these people are our crew of zipline guides. They choose to spend their summer days outside flying through the air, and here is a glimpse into what it takes to be a zipline guide with AVA.

Idaho Springs Cliffside Zipline

Need for Speed

The first requirement to be a zipline guide is a need for adrenaline.  The guides can have up to 4 trips a day under the hot summer sun, so to be mentally prepared to spend your entire day guided folks along the cliffside is a must. If this sounds right up your alley, you’ll need to go through a rigorous training program first.

Training to be a Zip Guide

To become a zipline guide with AVA, you must first undergo four days of intense training. In the training, future guides learn about all the pieces of gear they will be using. It is of utmost importance to keep all the equipment in top shape for safety of guests and guides. They are also trained to execute various kinds of rescues within a short amount of time. These include everything from getting people who get stuck on the rope back to the platform to belaying people back to the ground that need swift evacuation from the course. All guides must become efficient at these rescues and be able to perform them in 4 minutes or less.


Every zipline guide must also be a great people person. First, they have to give safety instructions to the guest, but must also keep an eye on them during their trip to ensure everyone is being as safe as possible. While going through the course the guide will also have to keep the guest entertained while waiting for other people to zip. It’s the guides job to give guests a memorable excursion on the zipline course.

Zip Guide Colorado

Passion for Outdoors

Most importantly, all guides must have a passion for nature and the outdoors. AVA’s goal is to give guests a unique experience in nature while also doing our most to preserve and respect the outdoors. Many choose to live on site out of tents for the summer, willingly giving up the luxuries of air conditioning and running water for a life spent in nature.

Not everyone could cut it as a zipline guide. The qualities needed are not found in most people. Book a zipline trip and let one of AVA’s expert guides share their passion and give you and your family or friends an experience you will never forget.


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